Türkler ilk defa ne zaman ve nerede ortaya çiktilar? Türklerin Orta Asya’daki komsulari kimlerdi? Onlarla olan temaslari ve etkilesimleri nasildi? Hunlar Türk müydü, yoksa baska bir kavim miydi? Eski Türkçe, Mogolca ve Mançu-Tunguz dilleriyle akraba miydi? Eski Türk alfabesinin kökeni neydi; kimin tarafindan nerede, ne zaman ve nasil vücuda getirildi? Eski Türkçenin en kapsamli etimolojik sözlügü olan An Etymological Dictionary of Pre-Thirteenth Century Turkish’in yazari meshur Ingiliz Türkolog Sir Gerard Clauson’un, Tuva uzmani Rus Türkolog Leonid Potapov’a yazdigi mektuplari okurken Clauson’un bu sorulara verdigi cevaplari da bulacaksiniz.
When and where did the Turks first emerge? Who were the neighbours of the Turks when they first emerged in Central Asia, what was the contacts an interactions of the Turks with them like? Was Old Turkish related to Mongolian and Manchu-Tungus? What was the origin of the Old Turkish alphabet, and when, where, how and by whom was it invented? While reading the letters of Sir Gerard Clauson, the famous English Turkologist and author of An Etymological Dictionary of Pre-Thirteenth Century Turkish, the most comprehensive etymological dictionary of Old Turkish, to the Russian Turkologist and Tuva expert Leonid Potapov, you will also find Clauson’s answers to these questions.
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